We are Jekesa Pfungwa Vulingqondo

JPV seeks to foster partnership between the organization and the communities we work with, partnership between JPV and other related organizations and JPV and our supporters abroad. Partnership recognizes the importance of listening to and trusting each other or receiving as well as giving and of working together. JPV rejects relationships of dependency in favour of self-reliance

JPV serves and empowers poor, marginalised rural women and men, orphans and vulnerable children (OVC’s) who often have no access to good care, medication, sufficient food or sustainable sources of income. JPVs main target group of poor rural women is subject to abuse and neglect yet in many instances these women are still expected to provide care and support within the family. JPV has been responding to the issues of poverty, lack of food, unemployment, violation of rights and absence of good palliative and curative care for people living with HIV and AIDS and OVC’s.

Donation Box

Improved quality of life through food security and health amongst JPV members and families

Education Support

Capacity and advocate on behalf of women and girls through training, information and support

Donation Money

Financial donations aimed at uplifting the standard of living of communities in which we operates


JPV appreciates your support and contributions towards its programmes and projects.

Our Training Programs

The goal of these programme being an improved quality of life through food security and health amongst JPV members and families

Members get support in the form of training in their programming aspects. JPV aims to respond to the members values of income generation to improve the livelihoods of members in the communities. Members continue to receive support in the form of training in aspects such as technical skills training, leadership training, business planning and management sustainable agriculture practises etc.

JPV strategies include participatory training methods, participatory monitoring and evaluation, participatory management practices in decision and policy-making aim to maximize the input of the target groups. Information Dissemination JPV disseminates information on topical issues through an in- house newsletter that is produced once a year and information booklets in Shona and Ndebele as well as English. The organisation also disseminates information through sms, social-media and training workshops and meetings it holds in the communities where it has membership. JPV holds a bi-annual conferences for its members.

Target Group and Membership

JPV serves and empowers poor, marginalised rural women and men, orphans and vulnerable children (OVC’s) who often have no access to good care, medication, sufficient food or sustainable sources of income. JPVs main target group of poor rural women is subject to abuse and neglect yet in many instances these women are still expected to provide care and support within the family.


JPV envisions communities that are empowered, sustainable and peaceful.


Build capacity and advocate on behalf of women and girls through training, informing and supporting their community efforts


Our values are built on the following aspects : Partnership, Participation, Networking, Good governance, Responsiveness and Ownership

Our Volunteer Network

Our volunteers truly make a difference every day by helping us advance our work and support for the well-being of all.

Become a volunteer