About Us

JPV envisions communities that are empowered, sustainable and peaceful.

Jekesa Pfungwa Vulingqondo is an indigenous Zimbabwean non-governmental organisation, working with women groups at grassroots level, for the mobilization and development of women in rural and poor urban areas. Though its history dates back to 1947, the organisation has evolved over the years and its primary focus has remained being marginalized women.Jekesa Pfungwa Vulingqondo operates in all provinces of Zimbabwe with around 300 groups who are members of the organization thereby involving about 5 000+/_ members with women forming a 90% membership and men 10 %. The organization implements various development programmes in 16 districts in Zimbabwe. The activities of the organization and of the women groups focus on self-reliance for women and their families and on sustainability. Through these group activities, women can meet their own needs and their family’s needs, realise and implement their rights, find support and companionship, gain knowledge, learn skills and increase their self-confidence. Jekesa Pfungwa Vulingqondo cooperates with other like-minded groups and organizations at local, regional and national levels.

Our Mission

Build capacity and advocate on behalf of women and girls through training, informing and supporting their community efforts

Our Partnerships

JPV seeks to foster a partnership between the organization and the communities we work with, other organizations and supporters abroad.

Our Programs

Our programs are designed to improve the quality of life through food security and health amongst JPV members and families

Become Volunteer

JPV aims to respond to the members values of income generation to improve the livelihoods of members in the communities.

Meet Our Volunteers

Lives Helped
Outreach Programmes